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Ann Essance, copyright 2016, Valentines Day 

Deep within each Heart hides

this Secret...

It must break once, twice, thrice

perhaps, a million x's ten


to breathe in Life to Love


The cosmic ocean

is indeed, Infinite

White Butterflies by nature

burst chrysalis with wet wings and must wait...

Patience pays off! Now dry wings

Fly into currents of living Hope


once steeled-cobwebs into

filaments of Light

filling arterial caverns

in upward spirals of



Hope                                                                                     Joy

Good Will                                                                   Peace

Devotion                                                                Faith

Integrity                                                   Commitment

Focus                                          Generosity

Patience                                 Respect

Wisdom                   Tolerance




A Moral Compass

At Last!

Fresh air breathes within barren chests

Ready to be filled Again 

Love, Oh, Love, Oh! precious Love

Soul     Soul    Oh! Brilliant Soul

Expand  as never before

Feel Love     again    again    again...

Millions x's Ten

and More.

Love, Oh, Love,    Oh!    Precious Love

Expand     Expand 

We All Began      in the Heart of God

Forever   One

We Return to The One

As One

*Scientific experiments have proven that cobwebs are the strongest known 'threads' on the planet. A one inch thick mat of cobwebs has been known to stop a jet at speeds beyond the sound barrier. Imagine how we fly, Blue Butterflies, when we forgive and give ourselves permission to Live and Love, again! That is what I wish for us!~~~~~ Ann Essance

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Left: Sculpture: Global Sundae. copyright, Ann Essance, Reflections of Life Collection, 1992.

Mixed Media 

This Day and All Days We Give Thanks

Memorial Day, 2012-2021

copyright, Ann Essance,2012

So it came to pass on this glorious day of all days

A day when we honor the Warriors, the slain and fallen

For whom the bells no longer tolls but peels Resurrection!

Their deserving Reward for honoring us with Freedom!

They whose Hearts rose and fell rose and fell

With the scent of death's knell. but how do we honor them?

Remember them? They who have braved the trenches of Hell

Air strikes smoke flames as their planes flew and fell flew and fell

Upon bright blue skies above Hell?

Today on this glorious day I water my roses in Freedom

Unafraid that the hand that struck them will rise to strike mine

Assured, the nozzle's spray dances in Freedom

Because of their blood splashed upon soil I shall never see...

To them to Each and Everyone of Them,  I Pray:

"Mighty is He/She Who lives in the House of the Lord!

Mighty is He/She Who lives in the House of the Lord! " 

Because of Him,  because of Them I water my roses

Free of an oppressor's hand upon my shoulders

As the nozzle arcs its silvery-white-wet-crystalline beauty into the Sun

I am Alive though not naive to believe the battle's won...

Waiting for me at the spigot is a black-maroon-tailed Scorpion

Nestled in the meter box of my irrigation system.

Her albino progeny wait to be fed waiting waiting for my hand

As it plans for roses Ah! but for the Valiant Fallen

I am alert as they Rise So Shall I

Rise before the Eyes of Life. for Universes Unseen yet, Born

Covered with the Night of a Thousand Eyes....

Watching Waiting Wondering When? 

Left: Painting in  photograph. 'There Will Always Be A Window' copyright, Ann Essance, Reflections of Life Collection, mixed media, 2001 (In honor of Life upon this Planet, in all its Splendor, and Freedom at its Core, despite 9-11, despite wars and rumors of wars.) Dedicated to All brave Hearts, and to my uncle, 1st Lt. Paul Andrew Toups, whose plane fell in WW 2, while on a mission at Holzthum in Luxembourg, during the Battle of the Bulge, December 

944. He was awarded the Purple Heart, posthumously. He was only 23 years old. I was only three and never knew him. I Salute Him and All Who Serve the cause of Freedom, NOW!



Ann Essance, copyright, 1977,2010,2015

I'm not the man in the prison cell

I'm not the gong in the steeple bell

'Ever attached beginning to end

To ring out sorrows of mortal men

I'm not the prisoner who escapes

Bars, locked doors, or mummy's tapes

I Am the Prisoner of My Heart

Always blaming the world

for its part

In keeping me bound from within

With guards and dungeons

And shackles of tin

At Last!

A knock on my Heart of Stone

A Message saying 'I'm not alone'

That somewhere

Hidden deep inside

Is the Warden of Life

Who can turn the tide

I must search him out

Find the key

Well what do you know?

The Warden is me__

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       "My Cup" water color on foil and other mixed media (5"x7") (Sort of reminds me of a "gold flame" in the center. How about you? You see, that is part of the true beauty of Art. It "allows".
copyright: Mirrors: Abstractions on Life Collection

The Power of One
copyright, Ann Essance

If a candle knows not, that it is a candle
That it has a wick to flame and burn
A path to light and darkness, spurn
If a candle knows not, that it is a candle
And its brassy stand, collects but dust
As dew mounts wax and drips to rust
Then that candle, lonely candle,
Straight and tall,
Will never know its greatest gift...
To live the as
To light the path of Love

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Ann Essance, copyright

Soft warmness, close softness, what is it like?

Clouds caressing airborne secrets,

Unity twining like vines of Star Jasmine, cast to sun?

Soul to Light, Light to Soul, vessels touching silence,

As their sweet songs of patience, play away pain.

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A Fable of Truth 1

copyright, Ann Essance

A gentle rain from heav'n dances on the wildfire

A gentle rain from heav'n falls upon the wildflowers

But, that gentle rain from heav'n knows its passion in the wind

It spits, swirls, curls, bolts, bends, from within

Now...this simple rain from heav'n

Begins to cleanse

The consciences in men.

Fable of Truth 1: abstract painting 4"x6" copyright: Reflections: Abstractions of Life Collection

Fable of Truth 2:

copyright, Ann Essance

A gentle rain from heav'n dances upon wildfires

A gentle rain from heav'n falls upon wildflowers

But, that gentle rain from heav'n knows it passion in the wind

It spits, swirls, curls, bolts and bends from within

Now, that simple rain from heav'n; storms,

Cyclones, hurricanes, tsunamis

Create currents of sandy-chocolate, drunk with confusion

Rain-splintered rafts, houses held hostage, sheds in riverbeds

Risked for the imbalance of pain, misunderstood

Once, very, very long ago

When mankind spanked too far into arrogance

Fable of Truth 2                  The Heart of Mother Earth, poured out her liquid Requiem

abstract painting, 4"x6"       And, that once, gentle rain from heav'n

copyright:Reflections:          Heard her mournful cry, and then grew

Abstractions of Life             The Great Flood


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The Billowing Heart Copyright, Reflections: Art of Life

Collection...(5"x7") mixed media "Through forgiveness, mainly of ourselves, the Heart can once again breathe, expand and take flight from the caged existence of vengeance."  

'The Light from on High...Shines from the Sky

in my Heart.'     Ann Essance, copyright 1977

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Left: Turbulence in the Atmosphere:1997, (5"x7") "No matter the flood, God always allows us at least a swath or alley of dry land on which to rebuild our lives...Right: Cross on Masaya:2** Seeing things from a different perspective. Ann Essance, copyright

**Masaya is a volcano in Nicaragua that is known as "the Gate of Hell". Over 150 years ago, a Spanish monk entered the mouth of that volcano, armed only with a small hand-held crucifix. He returned to tell the tale that a physical hell does exist and he believed that this was its entrance. Since that time, a wooden cross is the only artifact to "grace" the landscape next to the mouth of this cauldron. Look to the picture at the you see the cross next to the rising smoke? But, also see the "V" further to the left as part of the cross. "V" for victorious...'Death, thou hast no sting...' These paintings were done over 23 years ago. I named them in 2010 after seeing the information on the Masaya Volcano on the H2 channel. Do you see the 'open path'? See how Creative Intelligence works? Expect Miracles when you open to them!

Update: from 1997 to 2021

In addition to the paintings, "Turbulence In the Atmosphere" (above), please view, "The Bellowing Heart" above them...for that is what these Prophetic Paintings looked like in "real time" over the "real" Masaya Volcano as Nik Wallenda faced his deepest fears for himself and humanity....

All Glory to God!

On the evening of March 4, 2020, Nik Wallenda traversed the Masaya Volcano in Nicaragua , displaying his courage to transcend the fear of death, over this hellacious ravine of fire. His wife, Erindira, pre-empt his performance with a daring aerial act, culminating by hanging over the raging Masaya Volcano by her teeth! (All the while, simultaneously, while doing these life-death feats of courage, the movie AVATAR played, simultaneously on another channel....) All the while, also, they were praying and giving All Glory to the Messiah, Lord Jesus! Praising God, as those in the world prayed, I prayed with them, "Holy, Holy, Holy Lord, God of Power and Might, Heaven and Earth Exist in your Glory, Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna in the Highest! Amen!" while others thought them insane...Sounds familiar?

Rejoice! We may not know what God did through Nick and Erindira Wallenda, the night of March 4, 2020 to raise the level of Courage, Hope and Confidence in the "Group Soul of Humanity," but, in God we trust! Our deepest Gratitude to the Holy of Holy's for He has done wondrous things for us! 

    Thanks, also, to the courageous and supportive Wallenda family, Lijana, along with Nik walked the high-wire over Times Square in New York, earlier, last year with blinding yellow neon lights flashing in her eyes and the wind howling and whipping at her feet, as she spoke, addressing Jesus and God in prayer. May Blessings be upon your work and the work of your family for staring death and fear in the eye and Transcending it for the world to see! May we take your Courage with us! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! ! Lucky Wallendas'! Lucky Us! Ann Essance, 3/5/2020

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Eggs-actly: The Giant Cosmic Egg: 24x36 India ink and water color. Reflections of Life Collection, copyright

"This painting was done in 1992. Many 'messages' have come to me from this simple, instant, untouched painting that seemed to 'do itself.' Today, I live within 150 miles of the Valles Cauldera Grande. The place where an astronomical meteor entered Earth's atmosphere thousands of years ago. The place where the Native Americans from the Jemez Pueblo live. I have been told that they say the 'Kachina's' live inside the Earth there. It is also believed by Ancient Astronaut Theorest to be the beginning, or one of the beginnings of 'Star Seedings' upon the Earth.

"The following poem, 'The Herald', welcomes these ancient seeds of Hope for the Earth, today, in 2015. Enjoy them both. They express in humble forms, the miracles of Life as It somehow mysteriously manifests itself through many, many forms. all for us to savor. Depite all of the chaos and confusion in our 21st century, let us remember the Unity present within the Source of all Created Life...When we stay 'centered' and 'focused', in that 'Oneness' disallowing distractions to taunt us to the point of weakness...then, we are likely to experience the 'Miracles' the Ancients spoke about...They are all around us." 


copyright, Ann Essance

Gossamer, the veil of magic morn, no sun or sunrise could distill

A clearer picture of Heaven's form from chartreuse mountain or greening hill

Petals of goldest daffodils. Heavenly-spring's first bud doth open

Lavender violets, awoken...yellow crocus' just spoken

A twinkle from the wrinkled tan on necks of paper-whites

Whose emerald stems refract shimmers of hazy light

Butter-cream hollers inside collars of buttercups pink delight

Morning's magic moments with dewy radiance, fair

Beckon sylphs and angels to join me there

As a veil of virgin dew drops, drip, then dissipate

In the heat of morning's sun, in harmony with their fate

Peace and love awaken, despite heaven's love, forsaken

Morning's soul takes flight in glistening, spiraling light

Raindrops fall to moisten the memory of Love's face

In eternal moment's morning, etched in celestial-molecular space

Ne'er to be erased. Somewhere

A copper-colored cuckoo sits inside its wings

At the first burst of morning, to all, he joyously sings:

"Hello, mellow-fellows, the universe has reawakened

Eternity's grace is not forsaken

Love begins each moment, anew

Cuckoo   Cuckoo    Cuckoo"

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 "Let me call this painting 'on its side': Heckla: (5x7) It too, is being re-named, today, 2/4/15. The point is this: This is the same abstract painting found above, named: The Billowing Heart...but it is turned on its side. I use this as another example of how Life's creative essence is used to create and re-create itself. There is an old saying:"There is nothing new under the Sun". In a sense that is true. "Everything that was made, has been made." It is how we choose to use we re-create the primal essence..

  Heckla: is known as "another" gate to hell. This volcano resides in Iceland, the land of five major world volcanoes....with the power to ignite each other, if this should happen, the ice shelves of the Arctic will collapse, setting the seas in turbulent motion as never seen before. Will this happen? Life still continues to be a mystery...I believe that a major "shift in Higher Consciousness is possible and that with a "major" rise to do the right things and be right within our own lives, we can stave off these tumultuous Earth changes. What have we got to loose? We have everything to gain.

     Though, we may say "it is not up to us" in a sense, I believe it's how. Every word, thought and deed carries with it "energy". It is this "creative energy" that when set in motion on this planet, affects everything, down to the molecular level and beyond...How we choose to use creative energy, is with the use of our free will. Now that we understand through education, more than ever, our responsibility to create for the Good of All, let us stay focused on bringing Life into its Highest Expression for Good. It IS up to us! Jesus and other amazing teachers, in unison with Him, have tried to get this message across to us for centuries. It is imperative that we "get it!" Let us not become too distracted by the gizmos of the "outer world." They cannot save us....So we see that the capacity of the Billowing Heart, for good or ill, even when turned on its side, or upside down." Ann Essance, copyright 

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Painting: "Hurricanes: All Around...Upside Down" Mirriors: Abstractions of Life Collection (5"x7') "Do you see the trees? One is up, the other down...Isn't this the truth of life upon the Earth? As night follows day, Life is always in flux, always changing, even when we are stuck!"

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Life From the Ashes: 18"x24" Mixed media Assemblage. Mirrors: Abstractions of Life Collection "Hope is the seed that I planted here. There is always Hope. I do not believe, as I have heard, recently, that Hope is a placebo for things we do not understand. I believe that Hope is one corner of the Original Triangle. You know the other two." Ann Essance, copyright 

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On Their Sides: Abstract water colors (5"x7") (part of the small abstract grouping on the "Home" page) "Truthfully, these paintings are on their sides and I could not turn them on the computer, but I began to other images . But as I saw the many 'new' figures, despite the 'error,'

it brought home the message..."Love makes all things new. These pieces were generated in Love. Again, reaffirming my deep belief in Life and the 'power' behind so called 'accidental' creativity." 

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How Will You Answer?

Ann Essance, copyright, 2014

What if the chlld-like innocence and courageous optimism of our ancestors were present in the hearts and souls of the illegal aliens, crossing and dying for a taste of Freedom...What if the original Native Americans, once known as the 'Red Man' were resurrected, directed, by some inner Spiritual Force to drive themselves once again, on foot, across land-bridges, to find the Americas? The Americas, that banished them, in favor of the European Pilgrims , once known as the 'White Man', who later enslaved the Africans, once known as the 'Black Man', who suspected that the 'Yellow Man' had made it here before any of them...What if Love were so strong, so present, in the hearts and imaginations of these children of all races, all ages, that nothing could stop them... What if God is the driving Force, What if God is Testing America to remember

Its 'roots', its reason for being, its need to be Free? What if God's Mercy allowed America, 'To Be,' to be 'Free', in the first place? What if America has lost its focus...its dependence upon Divine Providence, and become arrogantly independent, perhaps taking the interpretation of the Declaration of Independence to a lower, not higher level of Being... How do we transcend the carnage of our young? How do we protect ourselves from the repressed rage of gun-violence? And yet, they come...convinced that America is the better way, the better place, despite poverty and pestilence...

Still, they come...

Does Our Lady of Guadalupe appear to them, telling them that She will protect them, as they barter their lives for hope...does she cover them with her mantle of green, dotted with gold stars, hiding them from harm's way? It is a given, their hearts will break, either way...if they stay, never venturing to America, they will die, never trying...if they bolt into the unknown to reach these hallowed shores, they will surely face odds of unimaginable system-break-downs, poverty, lack, danger. All the same...yet , somehow, on a Higher Plane, to hallowed shores, they come. Home-sickness, perhaps the entertainment of a death-wish, but the strongest of the strong will prevail...The Faith of Our Fathers remains a mystery that cannot be lost to the Light of Freedom, within. And the sheer determination to prevail, through thick and thin, thickets, barbed-wire, rattlesnakes, dehydration, starvation, stalkings, rapes, and murders, yet, Faith and Hope, keep them coming. What if our ancestors never ventured forth in the name of Freedom...Where would we be? What if Life's Blood lay in cowardice, rather than Courage... never prevailing upon foreign shores for one morsel of Freedom...? But, what if, instead, we, in America, matured enough, to simply see ourselves as 'part of the whole...?' What if we honored ourselves, our ancestors and protectors, by being strong, responsible citizens, within our own circumstances...?

God loves a clean house. God does not need a mansion filled with toys. God's playground was never meant to be like this. God needs for us to behave ourselves, to re-connect to ourselves, each other and Him...Her. For God also contains the Goddess...the forgotten one, whose powerful softness and Wisdom is so much a part of HIm. God needs us to set Good Examples...for our children...All Children. God we make fun of each other and act like we own 'the place.' What if taking the journey into Freedom in America meant going deep, deep, deep within our souls in order to discern both Light and Dark distractions abounding without?. What if we envisioned 'ourselves' crossing foreign shores for a chance,,,a chance, to express and experience Freedom for the first time? What if Freedom, looked into the mirrors of our souls. and said: "You are not ready for me...You do not know how to behave, or handle me. You will become harsh and arrogant and yes, you will try to crush me, though you cannot...You must be willing to be worthy of My Cup...otherwise your arrogance and selfishness will crush you and be your demise."

What if Freedom looked into the mirrors of our souls, what would be reflected? Would it see responsibility, nobility, integrity, grit, and the molding of God-like character...or ravaged spirits, greedy for selfish gain...hoarders and hiders of wealth, keeping poverty at bay with tax-write-offs for a wealthy few, foreign bank deals, 'tokens-with no heart' only to keep poverty in its place? "You see, unless you understand your rightful place in the scheme of Life, Life cannot advance your Civilization. Civilizations that cannot advance, crumble. Do not think that gadgets and gizmos are your answers. Your answers lie deep within your souls...many of you are afraid to go there. But I tell you, "go there." "There, you will find me, waiting."

The streets of America are paved with gold...the Gold of the Sun...The Golden Rule....

Where do these streets lead? To the ghettos? To the Ghettos. 

 What are we doing with America? What are we doing in America? What are we doing for America? 

 How will you Answer?  What will you decide? 

That you can decide is the gift of America. 

What you decide, determines your destiny and the collective destiny of the World. 

Then, there is the river...and the river is are you crossing to the other side...

Time to decide...Time to decide!

How will you cross...

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You will cross, ready or not, when Life Calls...How you answer will determine your Rise or Fall. You will be signed, sealed and delivered by a Higher Hand, ready-or-not...when Destiny Calls. How will you answer?  Have you shared your Freedom, or hoarded it, as a prisoner of Fear? Have you seen yourself in others, or did you forget, Freedom, also, holds them dear?  As the Red, White, and Blue crest in waves far beyond the Flag...whose Sacred Colors fly, Free, for you, the Sun holds a vigil in your honor as an eagle glides, high upon skies of blue, greeting the morning's dew, with still one last question just for you. "Did you do unto you wished it was done unto you?"

On this day of your last draft...What will be your final epitaph? 

How will you answer? How will you your soul soars...with no voice left to choice left to make? Yet, without a word, your voice Is heard, deep within the hearts of those who wait...your last good-bye echos their silence...

"Well done, well done, the battle's won, thy good and faithful one...

to thine own Self thou hast been true..deluding no one...not even you. 

You did unto others, that, you wished, done unto you. 

Well done Well done Beloved One."

Yes, the river Is wide, the tide, high, yet you float on currents of laughter. Your Character has become both your boat and bedrock...filled to the brim with memories of a shining character...formed, anchored...

"Made in America", inspiring others...not sold out.

"Sail on, Sail on, Sail on...and into the Loving Arms 

of Creator-God."

May that be the confirmation of your answer. 


Left: Mixed media painting: "The Pearl of Destiny" (24"x36")  

Ann Essance, copyright, "Reflections of Life Collection, 1994 

Poetry & Paintings Page, copyright protected, Ann Essance, Intuitive Concepts One...

Creative Activity: (Creative Closet Cleaning)

1. Can be done alone...more fun when done with more than one! Invite your friends/relatives to join in!

2. Decide that you are going to "give away" that which you do not need or no longer use.

3. Do not have a garage sale...instead, make peace with the fact that these items have brought you ease, in one way or another. They have been  your 'servants." Appreciate them for that!

4. Locate a church, or non-for-profit in your area who will pick up these items for homeless persons or children.

5. Besides taking a tax credit, you have done a world a good for someone who is struggling.

6. Let us also remember the value of "struggling" with our demons...That is how we grow.

7. Once this "house cleaning" is complete (this round)

8. Go to work on your "inner closet" the one that harbors resentment, anger, vengeance and more...

9. Cast them into the "sea of consciousness" to be transformed into a "breath of fresh air,"just as Jesus did.

10. Now, gather your friends who have joined you in this project for a "group session."

      Have fun and feel lifted. Discuss your experience. Celebrate! Enjoy!

11. Know it or not, you have just experienced a "Huge Shift" in consciousness and helped someone who needs your help. Watch the unexpected  blessings come your way!

12. Repeat, at least once a year. You'll be glad you did! You will have made room for "newness to enter into your life.

13. It is imperative that we see ourselves in others...all others. Don't agree? Then, I ask, if the Earth should spin in revolutions yet seen, which of  us will be thrown off? Ponder this,"God made the Sun to shine on the just and unjust" (Matt:5:45) Which of us i is judge of another man...

14. When available, volunteer at a homeless shelter for children/youth. Not only will you better appreciate what you have, but you will have inspired Hope in a child. Any one of us could find ourselves homeless, at any moment. Nothing is guaranteed in this life.. Above all, you will learn the lesson that "God provides." You will have allowed God to send you as a Messenger of Hope...

15. Invite your children and teenagers to join you. Surprise them with this outing...(I do not recommend "forcing" or coercing them to join you.) They'll love you for that. They'll also come "alive" with appreciation for all they have once they see how blest they are.

     This activity can set a positive outlook and path of appreciation in many other ways, as well. Enjoy your Surprise Outing! 


Thank you for viewing the "Poetry Page."  Please let your heart zing and sing with Poetry and Prose of your own expression. Every heart has within it the capac​ity to r​elease emotions and experience the renewal of spirit  I hope that you will get to know the depth of feeling that is in you__ and that the Creator of Life is alive within you. There is no better way to find that door within, than to open it with  your heart, your soul and  your pen__  Let  your Spirit  Breathe!                

Rev. Ann Essance

... An inspirational, Educational, Timely and Timeless Secure Website...

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